ตะลุยแนวข้อสอบ CU-TEP

ตะลุยแนวข้อสอบ CU-TEP

เทคนิคการทำโจทย์ เพื่อเพิ่มจุดแข็ง เสริมจุดอ่อน และข้อควรรู้เพื่อให้น้องๆ นำไปปรับใช้ในการอัพคะแนนทั้งในพาร์ท Listening, Reading และ Writing


ข้อ 1
1) 7.00
2) 7.30
3) 8.00
4) 8.30

Man : So, today we’ll meet at 7 as usual, right?
Woman: No, can’t do I have a meeting at 6.30,
and I’m pretty sure it takes a long time tor this
one. Can we do an hour and a haif later than normal?

1. What is the time the woman suggests the man to meet?

ข้อ 2
1) They will go to the coffee shop.
2) They will plant a tree together.
3) The woman will take the man to the hospital.
4) They will go fishing.

Woman: You look green around the gills! Are you ok?
Man: I don’t know. I do exactly what the
doctor told me to do and take the medicine
exactly as prescribed. But it doesn’t seem right.

2. What probably happens nest?

ข้อ 3
1) impressed
2) annoyed
3) thrilled
4) surprised

Man: I heard that Anna got the first place in
the town beauty pageant. Can you believe that?
Woman: Duh…of course. Her beloved dad is a mayor , remember?

3. How does the woman feel about the news?

Writing(Error Identification)

1. Some scholare try to (1)exonerates our
species, placing the (2)blame on the
(3)vagaries of the climate which is the (4)usual
scapegoat in such cases

2. A dozan (1)staff tried to extinguish the fire
but the (2)strongly winds blew fireballs
(3)across the fire barrier and landed (4)about 400 metres. from Mesa Cliff.

3. Less than a decade after (1)breaking the Nazi
encryption machine Enigma and helping the
(2)Allied Forces win World War II, mathematician
Alan Turing changed history a second (3)times
with a simple question: “Can (4)machines think?”

สอนโดย : ครูพี่แบงค์และครูพี่เพนนี InterPass Channel



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